
Frequently Asked Questions

general questions

How to use the service?

In simple words, Get Verified, Add to your wallet, Create a Campaign, Add Numbers, Launch Campaign. You can follow our walk-through at https://bulk.sms.pcglobalco.com/walk-through.html.

How to contact customer support?

You can contact support via Email on smsapp@pcglobalco.com, or via chat or call on +961 71 392 992.

Can I modify or update my campaign after Launching?

No. The moment you launch your campaign there is no reverting back. Make sure you make all your adjustments & reviews just before you launch a campaign

Can I repeat the same campaign again?

Yes, you have the option to clone a campaign that enables you to have a campaign with the exact same data that who had in the original one. You can also add, update, and/or modify before launching.

Can I have a campaign with different destinations?

No, each campaign will be destination specific. The numbers you import/add must have the same country code related to the destination.

How many campaigns can I have? At the same time?

You may create and launch as much campaigns as you need as long as you know that each will be charged independently.

What is a phone book? And is it a must to create one?

Phone Books are made to make your life easier. For sure it is not a must. You can create a campaign and launch fully launch it without using a phone book. Phone books are a predefined contact list that you wish to save in your account for future use. For example, instead of typing or importing an excel file or sheet every time you want to launch a campaign, you can create a phone book once and just select it for your new campaign. To note that Phone books can be edited, updated and/or deleted.

Technical Questions

How can I reset my account's password?

Go to https://bulksms.pcglobalco.com/bulk-sms and click on "Forgot Password". You'll be prompted to enter an Email where you will receive a reset password link that you can follow and reset your password.

Why I cant send reset link again?

You must wait 5 minutes between each request. Same applies to OTP requests. This delay is set to prevent spamming.

How can I download my data and results?

Login into your account, go to Reports choose a campaign and press teh "export" button. This process will export your campaign data as CSV and downloads it to your device.

Can I receive OTP as SMS?

Currently, the only available option to receive an OTP is via Email. Make sure you register with a valid one.

billing questions

What are the payment methods?

You can pay using your credit/debit cards, use google pay, apple pay, Link, and much more.

Do have a refund system?

In most cases, refunding would not be an option. We can refund "credits" to your account's wallet if your operation failed due to a fault in the system.

Do you charge me if a number wasn't correct?

In most scenarios no, we usually have a checking algorithm that validates the numbers before sending messages to. If the number itself is invalid, we will flag it and disregard it from the campaign. But if the number was valid and mistyped by you, No refund will take place. You are responsible to check & review your numbers before launching a campaign.

How do you charge a campaign?

Campaigns are charged according to each message sent. Each message will have a predefined rate that can vary between operators even in the same country

security questions

Who has access to my account and data?

Only you can access your account as long as you do not lose or share your password. To not that, upon your registration the password will enter our systems "Encrypted".

Can I permanently delete all my data on the account?

You can contact support team for a full account reset. Our team will have to verify your identity as the real account owner.